The SewSoft Story 

When people tell you enough times that you should go into business with your ideas, you eventually begin to seriously consider the idea.  One thing leads to another and before you know it you're starting a company.  That's how SewSoft came to be.

We combined good ideas with local manufacturing to produce the products you see here.  The good ideas came from everyone that would listen to us.  The products are made here in Phoenix by a great contractor who's willing to work with us as we learn the ropes.  We're small but it's just the beginning.

Please feel free to send us your comments and suggestions.  It's how ideas become real.  The Contact Us page will set you up to send us an email.   

We'd like to thank the following people for their support and patience while we got this going.  Their continued interest has made this a reality.Alison, Amy, Andy, Becky, Beth, Betty, Bill, Bob, Dan, Dana, Deborah, Donna, Duncan, Eadie, Elsa, Faith, Heather, Jan, John, Kathy, Kim, Larry, Leslie, Margaret, Mary Lou, Maureen, Mike, Nancy, Pat, Paula, Phil, Rob, Rose, Rose Mary, Sandi, Sandra, Sandy, Sarah, Steve, Sue, Theresa, Tim, Tracy, Tricia, Tom and Tony.

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